Sometimes Denali inspires me to feel like I’m a professional photographer. Then I take pictures like these and I realize I’m just a dinghous that doesn’t even check his camera settings all day and finds out at home that they got bumped on the ride. Even Denali can’t make up for that. Hopefully we’ll have better pictures for you next time, but for now, just know that Bike Denali is working on getting info to make seeing the Park in June a Biker’s Dream. Don’t believe me? Check the website again on June 5th, you’ll see a sample experience with some info on how to make it happen.
For now, it’s all about Teklanika. There are limited permits to drive from mile 15 to the gate at mile 30 where the road is closed to public motor traffic. Detailed information is available at this Timed Road Entry link. You can purchase the Teklanika Road Permit for $53, which includes the $30 entry fee. If you have a “Denali Pass”, “Inter-agency Annual Pass”, or “Golden Age Lifetime Pass”, you can get the permit for $23. The Denali weekly entrance passes can be purchased at . The America the Beautiful Annual Interagency Passes and Golden Age Lifetime passes (62 and over) can be purchased through this link at the USGS Online Store.
For those biking on an over-night trip, you’ll need to get on the DNP website ( ) and get your backcountry permit. Procedures for getting a backcountry permit through June 30, 2020 are outlined on this page: . Do all of the stuff it says. I can’t shortcut this stuff for you.The actual permit application is here:
If you begin going through this process and you think it’s easy, you’re probably doing it wrong and will have to start over. It may be this way for a reason: it gives you a chance to really consider the trip you are making and if you are prepared. There are certainly details to consider, make sure you do. Anyway, be prepared for a few hours of sitting at the computer navigating through the prep for this trip, then you’ll be happy that it usually doesn’t take quite that long.
That’s what we have for now, check in again on Friday, June 5th, opening day for Bike Denali. We will have experience specific info on biking in the Park and we will be renting our first bikes of the season. We are focusing on a more comprehensive Denali package for our rentals this year, including bear spray with each bike. For the 2020 season, Bike Denali will be open for business via phone and email, bike rentals available by appointment. To limit exposure from traffic flow, we will limit to 10 appointments per day, so reserve ahead of time. Bikes and gear returned will be tagged and quarantined for 72 hours prior to being re-issued. Don’t forget, decent rain gear can save your life in Denali Park. Stay tuned for more info,